Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh... That's Due Tomorrow?

We've all been there. Afterwards we find ourselves curled up in bed suffering from caffeine withdrawal or hangover.  It's okay though because that paper got turned in.  The exam is over with, the presentation presented, so all the suffering was worth it right?  WRONG! No longer must we suffer from the migraine that occurs when our high levels of concentration have devoured every last bit of caffeine induced energy! I present to you a study aide sans caffeine hangover:
  • 1 teaspoon of Mao Feng Green*
  • 1-2 heaping tablespoons of Peppermint
  • 1-2 teaspoons of Honey
*any simple, light green will do really
Steep around 200-205° for 3-5 minutes, to taste.

Only downfall about this tea is that Peppermint is not good for multiple infusions. Luckily, it's cheap!
Best of luck with those all nighters ;)

Your faithful addict,
The Tea Mistress Extraordinaire

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