Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Lavender White

I found myself looking for a way to make plain white tea more exciting because let's face it, White Peony on its own is quite bland.  I originally thought of adding dried peaches to the mix or even blueberries, but that will have to be another day.  I managed to come across some bulk lavender at the store and thought this would be worth a try.  If you are like me, I usually start my day off with a powerful black tea blend and then coast through the rest of the day on lighter greens and whites.  This combo makes a nice post-dinner tea.
  • 1.5 tsp China White Peony 'Pai Mu Tan' (SpecialTeas #557)
  • 1/4 tsp Lavender (Frontier)
  • 1/4 tsp Elderflower (Frontier)
Steep for 3 mins @ 180 degrees F

Review: The delicate floral notes of this 'Pai Mu Tan' are enhanced by the addition of Lavender and Elderflower.  To be enjoyed without sugar or honey for experiencing this blend's nuances.

Happy brewing,
The Tea Fiend

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