Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Migraine Tea

Now, I am not claiming this tea will 'cure' a migraine, but compared to the multiple number of migraine medications- from Excedrin to the heavy duty prescription stuff- this tea ranks high on my list of cures...probably right next to taking the day off and sleeping in a dark room with an ice pack over my head. Despite Wiki's claim that Feverfew can not cure a migraine immediately, this blend did a good number on mine within a half hour.

  • 1-2 heaping tablespoons of Feverfew (from Morning Glory) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint
  • 1 teaspoon of lavender leaves
  • 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of Mao Feng Green 
Steep for about 3-5 minutes at 205-208°F

Two important things about herbal supplements: 
1. If you are on any prescribed medication, check with your doctor before trying herbal supplements! While my doctors recommended Feverfew for my migraines, it may interact with other medications, so please be cautious!! 

2. In relation to migraines, caffeine  is known (and I swear by it) to help migraines and tension headaches. In this brew I added the green tea to add some caffeine to this otherwise herbal blend. If you are drinking this for a migraine, be sure to add some sort of green or oolong to it (I think black would taste off, but if you make a good brew with it post it in the comments!) for their caffeine.  If you are super sensitive to caffeine and therefore looking for a caffeine free brew....white tea may work as a sub for the green, but overall  I don't think this is a good cup for you and your migraine. 

Your faithful addict,
The Tea Mistress Extraordinaire

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