Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Moroccan Mint

There is something about the combination of a smoky green and mint that wakes me up from any slump.  After stealing several cups worth of peppermint from TTME, I finally broke down an ordered a 100g tin from Upton Teas (suggested to me by my partner in crime).  I must say, I am pleased with the herb.  It is more powerful than any other mint blend I have had at the school dining hall.
  • 3/4 tsp China Gunpowder Green Organic (Special Teas #520)
  • 1/2 tsp Domestic Peppermint (Upton Teas #389A)
  • 1/2 tsp Spearmint (Frontier)
Steep 3 mins @ 180 degrees F

Review: A Moroccan mint that will knock your socks off.  The smoky gunpowder taste is noticeable with the first sip, followed with cooling mint tones that linger.  No need for sugar here.

Happy Brewing,
The Tea Fiend

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