Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Awesome Customer Service

Upton Tea receives a gold star for their customer service.

A few weeks ago I ordered Upton Tea's Egyptian Peppermint, available at lower cost due to their original Peppermint being out of stock last season. The bargin hunter I am, I ordered it, and received 100g of mush. Not literally, but the taste was musty and far from the Peppermint I was expecting. Within 4 days of writing a scathing email, I had a new 100g of tasty, fresh, and delicious Peppermint tea sitting in my mail box at no additional cost.

However, I am stuck with 100g of "Egyptian Mint." At least I didn't have to return that. Maybe I'll make soap or something with it...any ideas?

Your Faithful Addict,
The Tea Mistress Extraordinare 

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