Who we are

Two college students posting reviews on anything to do with tea. Could include loose leaf recipes, tea mugs, kettles, pots, teabags...you name it. We'll probably come across it at one point or another.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Republic of Tea Emperor's White Review

It's Sunday and I've consumed enough black tea this morning to wake the dead, so I decided to run to the cafe and switch to a mellower blend for a cup. Republic of Tea and Tazo are the only two brands offered, no loose leaf here. (Although you can order loose leaf of their blends online!) I'd figured I would try Republic of Tea's Emperor's 100% White Tea- because honestly, I'm probably never going to pay the $15-$18 a tin they charge.

In short...it's bland. While they promote it as rare and exquisite tea, there's really no flavor therefore it's probably not a very high quality white. White tea is known for its light flavor with fruity, sweet undertones no matter what blend you get- it should have a delicate but complex taste. This cup tastes like green tea that was only steeped for 15 seconds. There's hardly anything to it.

Now, I do not want to discourage people from purchasing Republic of Tea. They offer a few excellent blends- such as Blackberry Sage, Ginseng Peppermint (great during the cold winter months!) and a fun Genmaicha marketed as "Tea of Inquiry," - however this is not one of their best blends. In short, don't waste the money on this white tea.  A simple white, such as Pai Mu Tan, offers so much more flavor for your money.

Don't be duped by marketing trends. I love tea, but the producers want your money- don't be tricked by some fancy name like "Emperor's Blend." Pay attention, read the ingredients, and almost always you can find something just as good for half the price. Sure, you're paying more for the convenience  of not having to do this, but what's few extra minutes of fun research out of  your day?I remind my stressed out, work laden readers

"All work and no play...makes Jack a dull boy."

Your Faithful Addict,
The Tea Mistress

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